

Hello and welcome! My name is Jason Flores and this is the story of my life experiences, observations, and interpretations (whether good or bad) that I hope you can learn, relate, or are inspired by in your own lives. I know what you are thinking, here we go again another plain Jane blog about someone talking all about themselves or belabored topics that are plastered all over CNN. Well, sorry to disappoint because this is none of that. So, why am I here? Well, in my 31 years on this earth I think its important to find a way to give back to all those that have given something to me throughout the years – whether that be a stranger holding a door open to helping bank roll me through college; this blog is my gift back.

I look back at everything I have encountered in life, but ultimately about-face and keep moving forward.  Cheers and hope to see you back soon!

2020 Self Reflection and 2021 Intentions

Annual self reflection and intention setting brings me to Cabo San Lucas 😎

Boy, the silver linings this year were a worthy lesson. High level themes include the power of mindset and perspectives. Leading with the heart. Vulnerability. It’s truly been a year of refocusing my lens and tweaking my own formula. I found the key is to strengthen the structure, but constantly change the variables; we can choose to keep the current “x” and “y” or challenge ourselves to switch it up for growth and reinvent a fresh version of “ME”!

I feel alive to thrive and not survive, but be infusive to touch more lives than ever before.

I will forever remember 2020 as one of the best years of my life. While many of us want it to be over, in one way or another, if you view it through the right lens it was a beautiful, powerful, enlightening gift! So I share with you my learnings and personal tweaks as we step into 2021.

My 2020 grade? Going with an A-

Power of Choosing

* One of our best gifts is the power to choose in every aspect in life. It’s ok to go against the grain. I’ve learned and am still learning even when it seems like something has already been decided for us, there is always a choice how you react and your actions.

Go all in

* Leave it all out there, with everything you got! I choose to give it my best and leave the rest to the universe. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain by just being me.

Radiate LOVE every freaking day.

* I am love. YOU are love. WE are love. Together we are ONE. I look to continue to embody love, compassion and fully let go of any fear. The energy of love is bar none one of the most magical vibes!

Be intentional

* I ask myself, how is this serving me in my life? Am I doing “x” just to do it? Does it have purpose? I will continue to evolve incorporating these questions into my life decisions.

Open the heart

* Finally! It’s been hard to love again; 4yrs to be exact since the last time and I am so grateful that the amazing goddess I have been remaining open for has finally arrived and am beyond excited to experience our journey together! Working on loving myself was the key that has brought me more joy and blessings than I thought were possible and only with you find the same!

Vulnerability, Show up

* I am my authentic self every day. Self love paired with vulnerability has kept me grounded. I know it can be scary as all can be, but the world deserves to see how wonderful you are! Embodying this will constantly be a battle, but It’s beautiful to put yourself out there – I only look to continue to grow, challenge myself, and live unapologetically!

Rise together

* I win you win. So choosing to continue to help and support you and those around me brings next level happiness. I have your back! Please let me know how I can help uplift you! Let’s do this thing called life together!!!

Lead with the heart; Source of truth

* Is it my head or heart? Especially as a man, I’ve been conditioned to lead with my head and sometimes puts me down the path of nothing but knee jerk reactions. So this was my year to act out of love and screw the ego. Let me tell you it’s all still new to me and it’s brought so much light to my life and cannot preach this enough. Actually, it’s unlocked the door to attract everything I want in life. I now know this is what it is like to be a true MAN. Try it! And if you need pointers or help, I’m a text/email/phone call away.

Surrender and follow intuition

* No need to force anything and just let let life unfold as it is intended to. Everything happens for a reason and it is beautiful! I turn to the Higher Power and continue to trust the universe.

Practice gratitude daily

* I have been meditating daily, but feel like I can step up my game here by going deeper into the subconscious. Will also add in more volunteering and community participation – even if it’s as small as buying a meal for others or time at a food drive.


* When I say I will do something, I follow through. In every shape or form and will continue to evolve my integrity.

There was a lot to purge and release this year; it was hard and at times not pretty, but can’t tell you enough how good it feels to do the work. The key was truly to go THROUGH it and not bury, ignore or try to erase it. I’ve worked hard to set myself free and there is no better natural feeling!

Please let me know how I can help uplift you in anyway! I am here. I see you. Much love and wishing you an abundant 2021 full of blessings and success!

#selfreflection #lookinthemirror #solotime #embodylove #vulnerability #beofservice #dudesthatexpressemotions #choosewisely #gratitude #surrender

2019 Reflection; 2020 vision

Current song: Kygo & Whitney Houston – Higher Love

My annual year end self reflection brings me to beautiful Bahamas this year ✨ As 2019 draws to a close, I’ve found myself more disciplined to vulnerably reflect on the past year, and glean to the future with a directional path forward inclusive of key “musts” peppered in. Sometimes its course correction or adding/dropping things off the list, but it’s become more refined with each year. I gladly share my method and own question set below that has helped me frame how to tactical approach progress and be productive in the new year. ⠀

2019 grade? I give myself a B+ :)⠀

1. Being conscious of time spent.

Did I accomplish or do what I committed to do? What if you do a quick exercise on % of time spent with yourself versus % of time doing whatever (work, drinking, TV, etc.) with others? Reality is you need to make time to center yourself and there’s no shame in doing so. The key is to be first conscious and more aware of it. I’ll tell you it’s ok to be by yourself. Is it scary? Damn right it can be…at first. Then it’s normal. Hey, trust me on this, this is coming from a extreme extrovert that had to learned aspects of the introvert way.⠀⠀

2. Bet on yourself.

YOUR passion. YOUR dream. Anything and everything is yours for the taking. We are individuals first. So what do you want for yourself? Or are we living someone else’s perception or society’s dream?! Are you going to school to be a MD because you were told so? Contrary to popular belief, no need to conform, it’s ok to go against the grain and NOT follow the herd. ⠀

3. It’s not all about the Benjamins.

I know, saaaay whhhat?! I’ve found wealth in life to be the inverse of as we know it. Wealth to me is spending time and experiences with those you love and their presence alone kicks you up on an emotional high that you never want to come down from. That is something that I would never trade for anything in the world or could put a $ on. ⠀⠀

4. Just release.

We’ve all heard of “just do it” (and I’m all about go go go, do do do), but there is some beauty in releasing and not forcing things to happen. This year from the magical story with my dear friend Bea to synchronicities with my brothers Francis and Simon. Everything happens for a reason! May not know the reason today, and that’s ok it will come to you when you least expect. You get what you need, not what you want.⠀⠀

5. Be disciplined.

I sucked at taking care of myself this year 🙋🏻‍♂️ Whether it was going on 2hrs of sleep in 30hrs and needing 3 coffees to power through or having my sweet tooth get the best of me, I can improve here. I’ll always be that person who continues to push my own personal bar, but realize that I can’t let myself or health go. Reigning it back in…a bit 😉 Even though I made huge progress, for starters, I still have a closet full of clothes I need to donate. The excuse of I didn’t have time is no longer valid and I just need to make it happen.⠀⠀

6. Learn from relationships. ⠀ The people in my life are incredible humans. The shared experiences, energy, wisdom is bar none more than any MBA course could ever teach. So enter the school of jason which is meeting incredible souls across from the world and learning from them and vice versa. That’s what makes this world a beautiful place!!!⠀⠀

7. Have purpose. ⠀ Really dig into the “why” you are doing something. At the end of the day, do the shiznit you want to do and don’t do what you don’t want to do. Life is too short to be worried about pleasing everyone else and time is valuable so please don’t waste it! ⠀

8. Give gratitude.⠀ I’ll be the first to admit I never would have gotten to where I am today without the help of others; and for that I am forever grateful. Whether it was a mentor that helped in my career to a best friend who is always there thick and through thin, I’m thankful. Each relationship and connection I’ve made, irregardless of the outcome, has enlightened me for the better and has a takeaway/lesson learned. So thank you all!!! ⠀⠀

We are better together, and together we rise!! Feel free to give this a shot and/or tweak to create your own version! The nerd in me wants to also draw up some charts with projections and bar graphs, but I’ll save you all. Nevertheless, I share this because you deserve to be the best version of yourself. I’ll tell you that I sure as hell don’t know it all, but I have been through a thing or two and it’s what brought me to where I am today. ⠀

Bring on the new decade!! Cheers to you all, wishing you a blessed and fruitful new year filled with continued growth ✨ May you be propelled to acheive your desires and success!! Peace 2019 and bring on the 20s, it’s going to be a doozy…⠀⠀

#sundayfunday #begooddogoodstaytrue #taketimetoreflect #dontforgettoloveyourself #treatyourself #tranquility #newbeginnings #2020

Release and Trust the Universe

Current song: Warren feat Lux – All We Have

Promise you this is a 2min story you need to read. Recently, the universe has been working in mysterious ways in my life and am going to attempt and convey into words. This post will be the first of a couple legit mindfuck examples. I met this absolutely stunning sweetheart @beatrizvb alongside two other beauts @shell_be_by_the_sea @vivianadeferrari at AFest Portugal. Of course none of us wanted it to end, but Bea said she would be coming to Cali soon. The time came this past weekend and we both were trying sooo hard to find a way to see each other in Cali while in town from Brazil and we just couldn’t make it happen no matter what we tried. With positivity, we left WhatsApp voice messages that we will see each other again soon. Off to Atlanta I went for work and she was headed on her journey home to Brazil, and that was that. That is until the impossible – there I am in my hotel room and I see her IG story on the plane and as I was putting my phone down to head to bed I get a voice message from Bea that she had missed a connecting flight and was in Atlanta headed to an airport hotel. I paused, replayed the message and immediately jumped up and sent a message back that I was also there too in Atlanta. Before I know it she’s calling me and we come to find ourselves grinning in awe at 1am in an airport hotel lobby. Is this real life?! How is that possible?! What are the odds?! Well, it’s the perfect magical intersection of my mantra of “where there is a will, there is a way” and Bea’s “trust the universe”. Modern day, real magic; wizards and pixie dust not needed.

Can’t help but think how this comes into play more often in life by being more conscious. Is it and has been happening but you have just never realized it? It all happens for a reason if not for you to recognize today, but later in life. Releasing and not being in control is difficult. Hell I struggle with this quite often. I think it takes certain experiences to show you that it is ok to let go and let life unravel naturally. I find myself forcing things to happen and in the end may completely miss the whole greater meaning behind it. So I say live it up, spread the love and enjoy the ride of this beautiful thing called life 🙂

Stay tuned for my next unreal post with my brother @simonbensaidy…

#trusttheuniverse #wheretheresawilltheresaway #theimpossibleispossible #serendipity #noneedtoforceit #mindblown #surrendertothehigherpowers #mindvalley #afest

Certainty is nothing but an illusion – What is the life and legacy you want to leave behind?

Current Song

Ziggy Marley – True to Myself

Over the years I’ve become a believer in that everything happens for a reason. It just does, wanted or unwanted, things just happen – such as my blessing in disguise post that awakened me. It started to make me question what is actually a guarantee or certainty in life. What I’ve come to uncover is nothing; and that’s the beauty of it. Hell, not even the seasonal weather is these days with all the extremes from warm to cold in the course of one week. Whether you play it safe and live in a bubble or sky dive everyday, we all die one day. The unselfish perspective is what is the life and legacy you want to leave behind? Fact is our time is limited and we can’t buy or acquire more of it. Can’t get to that project today, but I’ll do it tomorrow. I don’t have time this month to grab dinner, but I’ll for sure make time next month. Then before we know it it’s days, weeks, months, years later and we are still yet to do it. If you aren’t already raising your hand you should be because it’s happened to all of us. Big or small, I’ll be first to admit guilty as charged. Why? Well, ironically enough we often apply efforts and focus on the things in our lives that are nothing more than illusions or habits disguised as what we desire and consider our paradise. Let’s explore…

A few years ago I was certainly in great shape. Exercised 4-5 times a week, ate relatively healthy (confess I still had my vices), and was constantly on the move. Staying fit has always been a goal and knew it would leave me alive and well for many years to come. Circa 2016 and boom down I go in a blink of an eye. Wasn’t anywhere near my radar or those around me. My hypothesis of what I once knew was disproved and went out the window. I felt cheated. Mislead. Singled out. Downright angry. As the weeks carried on being in the hospital and going through rehab to relearn the life basics from how to put pants on to slicing up my face attempting to shave, my attitude was shit. Hell even told my parents I wanted to end it all. Definitely not my finest moment, but ironically it kinda is. I had hit my rock bottom and my poor parents were there to witness it. I yelled, cried, swore every single emotion without holding back. Nevertheless it was beautiful. We were together as a family, and learned no matter what they would be there for me.

As I regained conciousiness I craved for reassurance and certainty from doctors to my parents that I would recover and be back to my normal self. Truth was that no one could give me that. I longed for it and in some cases even begged for it countless times. Then I learned over time that all I needed it to come from was myself. I am in control of my life and destiny. So I focused on what was certain; my ass was going to fight back and would take whatever uncertain result I would get. And fight I did and will do for the rest of my life. My prognosis after 2.5 years has been great, but have seen it flatline over the past year. Yeah it definitely sucks, and has me really bummed out at times, but I live on for the belief of uncertainty. It was the Aha moment I was looking for.

Uncertainty is actually what we live in yet seek for certainty which is eventually what breaks us. If I work hard at this job then I’ll get a promotion in a couple years then I’ll be in a better place. Walk into work the next day and poof you’re laid off. Obviously, it’s probably a low chance, but the possibility is still there. It’s our nature as humans to crave certainty. I just keep going because I know I have a much larger purpose of being here. Been doing plenty of self reflection and writing over the past year and working towards doing a TED talk. Not an if, it’s a when. I’ve been busy disecting and seeking to understand life. I won’t know it all nor do I want to. As long as I have the right attitude, then I’m ready for anything thrown at me.

So I go back and ask you, what is the life and legacy you want to leave behind? I’m sure it’s not working the 40, 50, 80hrs on something you don’t really love or doesn’t contribute to your overall purpose. I want be famous and known for living it up with ultimate resilience to anything thrown my way. That in itself has no dollar value amount and can be passed on to touch lives years and generations post my life. “Look at my own life with insignificance and the impact to others as the real never ending significance” – Jason Flores. If I get my ass hit by a car tomorrow I’m good with it because I would have lived it up every day. I would absolutely die in peace and content. I know as humans we are complex AF, but we need to realize that it’s what defines us. Enjoy the gift of uncertainty and raise the middle finger to certainty my rockstar friends 🙂 Hope you all had a great Easter and kick ass!

Deconstruct What Happiness Means to You

Current song: Pharrell Williams – Happy

Oh happy day, it’s my 2nd re-birthday today!!! Its a day of reflection and celebration every year in my life. Why? Because I’ll never forget this day as it’s always in my mind with every breath I take, step forward, and big hug I give. Two years ago today, I was a happy go lucky healthy thirty one year old who instantly turned paralyzed in half from head to toe and have been fighting tooth and nail ever since. I’ve always been a believer since I was a kiddo to live it up, but have learned to also celebrate each day as if it is your last. I’ve looked death in the face in the past and have persevered. I’ve been at rock bottom. Climbed to only get knocked down again. I’ve been told I’ll not be able to walk, drive, or do the things I truly loved, yet I’ve done it and beyond. I now continue to share that insight and journey with the world to inspire and light that fire, glimmer of hope, and motivation in your own lives. At its core, I’m alive with a heartbeat and as long as that’s true you better believe I’m fighting. How do I keep going? Well let me share…

I’ll start with understanding what makes me happy. Continuing to make a difference big or small every day in everything I do. Help others from getting them a pen to flying them across the world to be with family for a birthday. It’s the moments, memories, people that matter and nothing more. Strip it down (don’t be dirty now), what remains? Focus on that. It’s a tactic that has taken me a lot of time to master and am always still refining it, but it can be done. It’s the “essence” if you will, that makes the change. Not the facade of fake illusions that pose as the goal or desired outcome.

Ok, so that’s my goal what’s next then? As you know it’s not easy to be honest with yourself and focused. Look at where you can start small to align your life accordingly. If you want to be a pilot because you love flying then strike up a convo with a captain on your next flight and build from there. Maybe it’s buying them lunch to pick their brain. Each interaction matters. Seems so simple right? Well, because it is and you can do it. I’ve spent a great deal of time finding my happiness and have explored it in great detail in my mind. I’ve even thought of the beyond. Most are scared of the future but as long as your happy that’s all that matters.

I’m unconventional and absolutely have no qualms about it. Hard to fathom I’ve already started writing my Will in my 30s, but I’ve managed to live such a polarizing life thus far I might as well play it safe. As an example and sneak peek, however I leave earth being in the flesh, I do not want a funeral but a party. Not just a celebration of my life but of everyone around me. A collection of favorite food, booze, and of course champagne. Obviously, I won’t be there to snap all those action shots and the occasional Insta selfie pictures of said beloved activities, but no worries I’m sure there will be someone with an iPhone XLVIII that will come through. No quiet silence, sadness, mourning during this occasion. It’s a joyful, Chumbawamba Tubthumping, and Cha Cha Slide 8.0 spectacular that brings forth happiness. For that evening, it’s a coming together. Family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, anyone and everyone I’ve touched over a lifetime. I mean, heck it could end up being like five people showing up but guess more booze for them? 🙂

I say, life, universe, high power, Lord, I’m ready for whatever is in store and will be sure to see you on the other side. I aspire to stick to living my life filled with happiness and setting an example to help others. Just do you. Kickass. Be happy. Nonstop. When it seems like it is the worst it isn’t. Its comical at times since it’s now where just my presence changes a point of view like when I’m with a group friends and someone says there’s no way to do that or that’s impossible, then look at me, nod their head with a smirk, and totally get it without needing to say anything. That’s it. All I could ever ask for. Leading by example, inspiring, influencing. Not scared if I died tomorrow, I would have no regrets and know I gave it my all day in and out. Truly living it up every day. That’s happiness to me. That’s the wealth I would pick over dollar signs anyday. Get out there, face the world head up high, and just smile. Smiling radiates through people and is addicting! I thank all of you for the support and love these past two years and only look forward to the future. I’ve got some big aspirations for the upcoming new year that I’ll cover in my next post, but for now I wish you, your families, and loved ones Happy Holidays! Cheers!

Pain and suffering is gold

Current Song: Justin Mylo & Navarra – Live Like This

It’s safe to say that we all want to succeed and not fail. Wether that be playing a friendly game of ping pong or interviewing for a dream job, we want to do well; I mean who doesn’t right?! But the reality is that we must fail and at times be at the bottom to live through that experience to learn and move up. The hard part is getting back up after being knocked down, and sometimes multiple times over and over again. Hell, I fail every damn day at something. Was definitely not ok with this in the beginning and struggled immensely, but found ways to look at it differently and suck it up. Why? Well because despite my misfortune, I’m still one lucky son of a biscuit. Here are a few thoughts…

It’s a true statement when someone says “count your blessings” because I sure as heck do all the time now. The first part though is to be able to recognize those blessings. Be on the lookout as they come unexpectedly and in many different forms, but the key is to have more awareness and recognize them and not take it for granted. Of course I’m not perfect at this and will never be as it will be continuous work. Could be as simple as taking a minute to be thankful for the food you are eating or being surrounded with loved ones. Idea is that more awareness of moments such as this will then naturally traverse into others areas of your life.

The people you meet in life and those interactions and experiences are purely the output of what you put into actions. If I sit on my couch all day then I can infer that I will have a zero chance of interacting with anyone. If I leave the comfort of my couch and walk across the street to get a cup of coffee and sit on that couch, I’ve now opened up a path and opportunity to interact with others. Go a step further and smile, say hello, or strike up a conversation about the book you’re reading with the cashier and there’s instantly another interaction. With all these, you may ultimately still end up with the same outcome, but have opened the door to an opportunity. What do you have to lose?!

So maybe you now ask just how do you create these moments or opportunities especially if it take you outside your comfort zone? Well, the answer is you take action. Act then SOMETHING will happen. Don’t, and surely nothing will happen. As much as we want to be genies and be granted wishes, we don’t have that luxury (well at least in this lifetime). A big part of taking action is pain. Maybe not physical, but emotional pain that will eat away at you if you let it. Known as the infamous growing pains, it’s the embracing I talked about in a previous post where you need to really feel it. This is really important and can’t be bypassed as much as we want to mask it with everything under the sun. So save the time and look it in the eye and address it.

Using my personal life as an example, I struggle being single at the age of 33 to find my partner in crime. I’ve spent 2017 healing physically and emotionally and the past eight months going through trial and error. Did the whole modern day thing with MeetUps, social dating apps, and “come meet a friend of a friend” of mine. Without actually counting, I’ve been through enough “pain” in the process and just want to give up. The daunting thought of meeting someone for the first time and going through your stats like a baseball rookie card for the 100th time is not the greatest and at times you would rather have your teeth pulled. Welcome to my present day! Well, do I throw in the towel? Let me tell you it crosses my mind pretty much daily, but I still persist.

Why? Well I know it’s part of the process. I persist in a way now much differently than I did even a few months ago. I focus on my best self and just being happy; be open to opportunities, meeting people, and I’ll let the universe take it from there. No expectations. If we expect something that’s where it can go wrong. Go with the flow for a change – I do this with travels quite often where you go with little to no itinerary versus a rigid day by day schedule broken down by each hour. Which one was more fun? Impromptu random dinner and drinking at a random bar in a small town off the coast of Spain or stressed to make a dinner reservation on time made months before because you were on a timetable?! Balance is the answer here, but you get the point! So, as we head into the week before Labor Day weekend, I hope you all have had a fantastic summer and continue to experience and further explore those never ending growing pains!

Choose your lens: Find your purpose

Current song: Antics – Find a Way

Howdy! So who else is excited that Summer 2018 is officially here?! I definitely am because I’m ready to soak in some sun, inhale that smokey bbq aroma, and sip on some ice cold mint mojitos after all the radical changes I’ve put myself through the past couple months – landed an awesome new tech leader gig and moved from Seattle to Huntington Beach; doing it all solo without knowing anyone for thousands of miles and flying by the seat of my pants. It all sounds fine and dandy (I know as you roll your eyes, dude you are at the beach), but I’ll give you a closer glimpse of what it has really been like. Let’s get real. No facades or sugar coating to cover anything; here is my point of view unfiltered. Some good, some bad, but it’s all a part of growth and becoming a better person. I share this at a time where the recent tragic news of the departed Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, in hopes to remind us that we are all human and individuals dealing with our own battles. So, don’t be alarmed because I know some of you will 🙂

I’ll start with I have been told by many family, friends, and coworkers how lucky I am and that they wish they had what I do. Well if we look under the hood, it all depends on what we value the most in life. For many it’s always family and the buck stops there. Or it could be the generations of a business that has been handed down for decades. Maybe it’s a sport that you’ve played since you were a little tike and are chasing that dream of going pro. Whatever your passion may be, we always put our blood sweat and tears into it. The challenge is, what if you don’t have a passion like that for anything? Or if you did, but life happens and for whatever reason it’s now lost or gone? You think to yourself, fight tooth and nail to find something else that defines you or teeter back and forth between the value of pushing forward and giving up. Maybe you sulk into depression and close yourself off from feeling anything (love, happiness, sadness, etc.) I myself have walked many of these fine lines ever so closely the past 18 months more so than ever. We often joke from lines we hear in a movie or a comedy skit like “what’s the meaning of life”; well the scary thought of “what’s the point” of fighting and continuing in life has entered my mind more times than I can count. At times it’s only once and a long while and other times it’s every hour. Even more so now than ever because I’m all alone and if I wasn’t here tomorrow who would really care? The world would continue on without missing a beat and I don’t have a wife or kids I’d be leaving behind. Even the challenge of trying to finagle picking up just one of the 80 moving boxes made me want to call it quits. Then there is the incredible shit show of calling the beloved cable company, electric, gas, insurance, and DMV to name a few put me even closer to the edge because we all know how those situations go. (Quick pause – I did preface I would get real and hope you are still with me!)

Yet here I am, still choosing to stand strong despite everything that has been thrown my way because I believe that I just need life to play out and be along for the ride. I focused so much on my career and attaining more and more, but why? Will the Porsche, beach home, and money fill in all those holes temporarily and my ship is ultimately doomed? We know money doesn’t buy everything, but sure plays a role and helps; if viewed through the right lens. Staying humble and not becoming greedy or showing off is an example. Also, success and happiness looks different for me, you, and the next person. For me, the answer is to live my life to the fullest every morning I wake up and be thankful for my blessings each night. Each day is an opportunity for us to make a difference – big or small it all counts! Even a simple “hello” to a stranger, or a “how is your day” can completely change a persons day. That is what we must never forget. No matter how good or bad things get, we can always make a difference if not in our own lives, then others. When I hear someone tell me they are amazed how much I have been to recover, I used to think not much of it; like it was a normal thing that anybody would do. It’s becoming more apparent to me that maybe not everyone thinks like I do, or believes they have the strength but do, so why not share my story, journey, and learnings with everyone I can because dammit I’m alive and well! We ALL go through struggles and tough times, but we choose the lens we want to view it through. Keep that hopeful and positive lens on and hold on tight because it WILL get bumpy.

So here I am, a happy mofo with a damn smile on my face because I’m alive and one way or another making a difference. This blog is a prime example, keeping it going and sharing my story and hope you will too; if not your own, then mine because we all have one! Know that I offer all you an ear and someone to listen or talk to, day or night, I’m here. Sometimes knowing you are not alone is the comfort you need! I’m just a phone call, text, or email away. So I ask, what lens do you choose? Much love for you all and have a great upcoming July 4th holiday!

#onefootinfrontoftheother #youareloved #weallhaveapurpose #lifeisprecious #dontworrybehappy

Pay it forward – We are in it together and have the spark

Current Song: Afrojack – The Spark

I distinctly remember this day and it’s incredible that this was a year ago. Thinking back brings feelings of “why me”, being closed off with absolute disappointment, and outright scared. I then quickly figured out it was more than the physical deficiencies and there was something greater – mental health. It’s ironic that it is often the last to be thought of, but is actually the source of everything; it makes or breaks you, allows you to succeed or fail. You could be the strongest, most talented, intellectual person in the world, but if your outlook, confidence, determination, poise isn’t all together then it can all collapse and suddenly doesn’t matter. Many of you have asked me “how do you do it”, well let me tell you that I don’t have all the answers or a secret formula, but I will say the philosophy and key to my success in all aspects is to never loose hope, keep stepping forward, and have a bias for “yes I can”, I attest that abiding by this will allow things to just all fall into place.

To put things into perspective – the journey of life isn’t linear; think of it as a complex obstacle course designed to test your limits (Ahh, the classic days of childhood with Double Dare and the original American Gladiators). So I ask you, if you hit a brick wall or fall face first into a pool of mud do you throw in the towel and bow out? What is your limit, how much can you handle? Can you take a deep breath, suck it up and push through until you cross the finish line? It’s that athlete mentality that we can learn from to push the limit just a little further, today, a little more tomorrow, and so on.

I’ve learned that while it seems that you can force things to happen, it’s important to know that you need to let it happen and help those you meet along the way find their own path forward in their lives. Embrace failure, we are humans and it’s bound to happen. Don’t fear it – accept it, face it head on, and whatever happens happens. This goes for careers, dating, sports – it can be applied on all counts. Important thing is you tried, you no longer have to question it, you left it all on the table with no regrets! Keep learning, tweaking, you win some, you loose some and it just gets easier.

So please continue or come join me in paying it forward even with small acts of kindness such as holding a door open for someone; collectively if we all do a little more of this it makes this world we all live in a better place. Think about how you can frequently exercise your mental health if you don’t already do so! Many of us go to the gym 3, 4, 5 days a week to workout, so why don’t we do the same mentally?!? This can be done by just taking some time out to write, read, learn, challenge things in this world, dive deep, dissect it, be curious (unintentional A to Z plug) to meditation, relaxation techniques, teaching, motivational speaking, joining a group/community/club; the list continues. Lead by example and others will follow 🙂 Possibilities are endless and can’t wait to see what we can all accomplish together. Much love for you all and take care!

#blessed #aboutface #avmsurvivor #payitforward #nevergiveup #leadbyexample #stayhumble

Clean Slate – You get what you give

Current Song: New Radicals – You Get What You Give

Happy New Year! Can’t believe how quickly December, the holidays, and ushering in 2018 has come and gone. Feels like it was a blur; started with a trip alongside some great friends across Europe visiting Copenhagen, Reykjavik, London, and Amsterdam – even checked off my 40th country I’ve visited along the way! Then, jetted off back home to be with family and friends for Christmas and New Years. I must say, there is just something about this time of year that just puts you in a great mood with a warm cozy feeling that is shared with all those around you. This year, the entire time I was filled with a mixture of 20 different polarized emotions – from joy to sadness, and everything in between – each one fighting to the top in hopes of being revealed. I’ll cover a few key ones that have hit me hard and continue to.

Thankful/blessed/grateful – I’m here alive in the flesh. Going back to Iceland exactly one year to the day to visit with the incredible medical team that saved my life was an experience I will never forget. I was fortunate enough to greet the doctors and nurses with big hugs and personally thank them. I came bearing small gifts of gratitude that included Starbucks coffee, Seattle keychains, and a card handwritten with my unsteady left hand. The looks on their faces and hearing them say they never have the opportunity to see their patients lives after recovery is something I just instinctively felt was the right thing to do and glad I got to hopefully be the reminder why it is worth it despite the long hours and difficult cases they may encounter day to day. Thank you to all you miracle medical workers for your profession and everything you do! I am lucky to be able to go full circle and is something that I will never forget for the rest of my life.

Love – It’s a word that is a touchy subject more than ever before in my life. Let’s start with family and friends – not a day goes by how lucky I am to have each and every one of you in my life. Near or far you can be sure to expect me to show up on your doorstep one day just to say hello or kick like we did last week or ten years ago. Now for the other kind of love, I always pictured that by this age I would be married and most likely starting a family. But yet here I am at 32, walking up to a hostess requesting a “table for one” and getting sat at the coffee house bar alone. This is all coming from the guy who has essentially had a girlfriend for almost exactly half my age. Am I perfect? Absolutely not. Have I made mistakes? Absolutely. It’s all a part of being human. Where it really matters and shows what type of person you are is how you handle it. I have choices – I can block out memories and feelings that will eat away at me, or feel it, like REALLY feel it and embrace it to move forward. I’ve done all I can do to attempt to reach out and get closure, but unfortunately have fallen on deaf ears; one can only do so much. I can’t lie, I’m scared. As much as I look tough on the outside and that I’m doing really well, I’m straight up scared and uneasy on the inside. But I’m learning that even if it hurts, even if it’s painful, you embrace it, deal with it and be upfront. So it’s time to open back to the idea of love again and to become emotionally available to do so. That’s how we learn and grow. How we become better individuals, better lovers, better partners. I will find love again one day and just need to stay hopeful.

Growth – While home for the holidays, I rummaged through all my old boxes of stuff from high school and found a bunch of my old cassette tapes and CD mixes (Love mix #11 was a classic) I used to rock in that Honda Civic amongst all the free AOL disks, overhead projector film, and classic Nintendo games. Finding all this brought back the memories of cruising the streets of Rockford with my best friend, rocking “K-Ci & Jojo – All My Life” on school field trips, and even the enchanted high school prom night. I wouldn’t change anything for the world. Each experience has allowed me to continue to be a better person. That’s the key – how do you continue to grow? Grow in your role at work – grow at mastering a new language – grow at being a home gardener. The point is you always strive to be better, doesn’t have to be drastic, but we can all be better at something. Along the way if you help someone also grow then that’s all that matters. What’s more important to you – what’s in the bag, box, wrapping paper of the present you received from your Grandma, brother, friend or the fact that someone thought of you? That is a gift that is just priceless and valued so much more than anything materialistic.

So what’s next? 2018 is off to a great start and am starting to get back into the normal swing of things after all the massive quantities of delicious home cooked food. I hope you all too had a full belly after some large quantities of food amoungst loved ones and washed it all down with some delicious egg nog 🙂 Much love for you all and wishing you a very blessed 2018 full of joy, happiness, and love. May you accomplish all you set out to achieve. It’s a new year so time to about face and start to get a move on this fresh slate. So let it go. Let it out. Start fresh 🙂 Cheers!

Being our own worst enemy

Current song:
Alanis Morissette – Ironic

When something doesn’t go according to plan or how we thought, why are we always so quick to point the finger and blame something or someone else? It’s like a default mode hard wired inside of us ever since birth to not blame ourselves – “it was all Johnny, I swear” when we were seconds away from getting scolded over a broken vase that tumbled off the dining table. We in turn become our own worst enemy, even just temporarily, and not others. It’s so contradictory that we often want the best for ourselves but actually are the ones looking at it in the wrong light. Why is that? Why do we fall into this trap? How do we get out? The answer may not come immediately today, tomorrow, or for some time, but you get started right here, right now just thinking about it in your daily lives. 
Let’s flashback to December 11, 2016, I was on a frigid boat with my girlfriend at the time in the North Atlantic just off the coast of Iceland gazing up at the sky in huddled, shivering groups of tourists hoping to get even the slightest glimpse of the sky glow neon green  from the Northern Lights. Earlier in the day, we had embarked on an amazing hike and tour through the famous Golden Circle in absolute awe of the sheer natural beauty of the geysers, snow capped mountains, and jagged ice formations. Needless to say, it was already an incredible day and the suspense of seeing the sky light up neon green was going to be the icing on the cake. Unfortunately, it was a overcast, cloudy evening and we began to hang our heads down low as the boat returned to shore. Then for about literally 8-10 seconds, we were able to see at a few shimmers of green flashes poke through the clouds and deemed it still somewhat of a success. This venture was a valiant effort and at least managed to have a few sightings of the beloved Northern Lights over the course of the trip. Back ashore, we decided to head back to the hotel and turn in as we had a long next day – had tickets to go take a dip in the Blue Lagoon before hopping on the 9hr flight back to reality in the USA. This is where things start to get hazy and have blanks in time. 

I distinctly remember being abruptly awoken from my sleep in the early morning (I think it was sometime around 3 or 4am) with an excruciating headache – it’s unexplainable but the best analogy is that it felt like someone had hit me in the head with a bat. I woke my girlfriend up and told her I had a ridiculously painful headache and told me to try to relax and drink water, as she started to look a few things up on her phone of what might be wrong as it was atypical of me to get a headache. I got up from sitting at the edge of the bed, walked over to get some medicine (I think I had Tynenol) from my bag, and sat back down. I then realized that I couldn’t move my leg, then a few seconds later my arm, and eventually nothing at all. Before I know it, there are people in the room lifting me out of bed and onto what I could only assume was a stretcher. I laid there in a immobile body seeing objects, lights, and shadows flash by me with absolutely no idea what was happening. Feelings of fear, anxiety, nervousness, confusion quickly overwhelmed my mind and body. Next thing I know, I arrive at the hospital as I was asked a series of questions and see flashes of white and green running all around me which were probably doctors and nurses as I laid there feeling helpless. There I was, unable to move, scatterbrained, indescribable emotions. But, I did remember that my mother who has been a nurse for over 35yrs always told me ever since I was in diapers, to “tell me what hurts” – and that’s exactly what I did. My head was pounding so hard it felt like someone had implanted a jackhammer into my skull. Whatever shadow was there in proximity I blurted out anything and everything in hopes they could use the information to treat me. “I see lights, I see a doorway, I see people running around” – it wasn’t much, but was hoping it was better than nothing. 

Then, the last thing I remember was a flashback of my entire life – all the people I love, family, and friends. Then all the experiences – childhood teeball, basketball, AYSO soccer to recent travels all around the world. Then amongst all the chaos, confusion, and scariness, this feeling of peace, satisfaction, and acceptance suddenly overcame me. I didn’t have regrets as I’ve always tried to live with the motto of living life to the fullest. Hell, I even had a chance to watch the Cubs win a World Series for the first time in over a century. I had somehow managed to live an amazing life in the 31 years here on earth; if this was really it and my time had come, I was blessed and honored to have met all those in my life and have a chance to do what some don’t in a lifetime. So I had found my inner peace and tranquility in case my show curtain had dropped. 

I wanted to point the finger. Pawn the blame off. Why did this happen to me? It’s was all <insert word of choice> fault. Let me say that is a horrible feeling. In reality, there is no one and nothing to blame for this event except for its inherent of the way of life itself. If we knew that we would end up spending two hours on a boat freezing our asses off to see a few seconds for a faint shimmer of light would we have done it? Was it our fault that it was cloudy? Not at all. Shit happens. While it didn’t turn out as expected, you make the best of it, find the positive (even if it’s minuscule as it felt microscopic some days), and take away learnings from the experience. This is still and will be a struggle to always find the positive, but I promise you it’s there, just keep at it and you’ll find it. 

As Thanksgiving draws to a close, I can’t help but reflect what I am truly thankful for. First and foremost are my family and friends – wouldn’t be the person I am today without their love, guidance, and support. I then can’t help but be thankful for life itself – my odds of survival and overcoming this incident were definitely not stacked in my favor, but I’ve somehow been able to beat the odds and surprise others including myself time and time again. So hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, a productive Black Friday, and even more blessed holiday season. I THANK YOU and know that just by reading my blog and sharing my story its all worth it.