Choose your lens: Find your purpose

Current song: Antics – Find a Way

Howdy! So who else is excited that Summer 2018 is officially here?! I definitely am because I’m ready to soak in some sun, inhale that smokey bbq aroma, and sip on some ice cold mint mojitos after all the radical changes I’ve put myself through the past couple months – landed an awesome new tech leader gig and moved from Seattle to Huntington Beach; doing it all solo without knowing anyone for thousands of miles and flying by the seat of my pants. It all sounds fine and dandy (I know as you roll your eyes, dude you are at the beach), but I’ll give you a closer glimpse of what it has really been like. Let’s get real. No facades or sugar coating to cover anything; here is my point of view unfiltered. Some good, some bad, but it’s all a part of growth and becoming a better person. I share this at a time where the recent tragic news of the departed Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, in hopes to remind us that we are all human and individuals dealing with our own battles. So, don’t be alarmed because I know some of you will 🙂

I’ll start with I have been told by many family, friends, and coworkers how lucky I am and that they wish they had what I do. Well if we look under the hood, it all depends on what we value the most in life. For many it’s always family and the buck stops there. Or it could be the generations of a business that has been handed down for decades. Maybe it’s a sport that you’ve played since you were a little tike and are chasing that dream of going pro. Whatever your passion may be, we always put our blood sweat and tears into it. The challenge is, what if you don’t have a passion like that for anything? Or if you did, but life happens and for whatever reason it’s now lost or gone? You think to yourself, fight tooth and nail to find something else that defines you or teeter back and forth between the value of pushing forward and giving up. Maybe you sulk into depression and close yourself off from feeling anything (love, happiness, sadness, etc.) I myself have walked many of these fine lines ever so closely the past 18 months more so than ever. We often joke from lines we hear in a movie or a comedy skit like “what’s the meaning of life”; well the scary thought of “what’s the point” of fighting and continuing in life has entered my mind more times than I can count. At times it’s only once and a long while and other times it’s every hour. Even more so now than ever because I’m all alone and if I wasn’t here tomorrow who would really care? The world would continue on without missing a beat and I don’t have a wife or kids I’d be leaving behind. Even the challenge of trying to finagle picking up just one of the 80 moving boxes made me want to call it quits. Then there is the incredible shit show of calling the beloved cable company, electric, gas, insurance, and DMV to name a few put me even closer to the edge because we all know how those situations go. (Quick pause – I did preface I would get real and hope you are still with me!)

Yet here I am, still choosing to stand strong despite everything that has been thrown my way because I believe that I just need life to play out and be along for the ride. I focused so much on my career and attaining more and more, but why? Will the Porsche, beach home, and money fill in all those holes temporarily and my ship is ultimately doomed? We know money doesn’t buy everything, but sure plays a role and helps; if viewed through the right lens. Staying humble and not becoming greedy or showing off is an example. Also, success and happiness looks different for me, you, and the next person. For me, the answer is to live my life to the fullest every morning I wake up and be thankful for my blessings each night. Each day is an opportunity for us to make a difference – big or small it all counts! Even a simple “hello” to a stranger, or a “how is your day” can completely change a persons day. That is what we must never forget. No matter how good or bad things get, we can always make a difference if not in our own lives, then others. When I hear someone tell me they are amazed how much I have been to recover, I used to think not much of it; like it was a normal thing that anybody would do. It’s becoming more apparent to me that maybe not everyone thinks like I do, or believes they have the strength but do, so why not share my story, journey, and learnings with everyone I can because dammit I’m alive and well! We ALL go through struggles and tough times, but we choose the lens we want to view it through. Keep that hopeful and positive lens on and hold on tight because it WILL get bumpy.

So here I am, a happy mofo with a damn smile on my face because I’m alive and one way or another making a difference. This blog is a prime example, keeping it going and sharing my story and hope you will too; if not your own, then mine because we all have one! Know that I offer all you an ear and someone to listen or talk to, day or night, I’m here. Sometimes knowing you are not alone is the comfort you need! I’m just a phone call, text, or email away. So I ask, what lens do you choose? Much love for you all and have a great upcoming July 4th holiday!

#onefootinfrontoftheother #youareloved #weallhaveapurpose #lifeisprecious #dontworrybehappy

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