Release and Trust the Universe

Current song: Warren feat Lux – All We Have

Promise you this is a 2min story you need to read. Recently, the universe has been working in mysterious ways in my life and am going to attempt and convey into words. This post will be the first of a couple legit mindfuck examples. I met this absolutely stunning sweetheart @beatrizvb alongside two other beauts @shell_be_by_the_sea @vivianadeferrari at AFest Portugal. Of course none of us wanted it to end, but Bea said she would be coming to Cali soon. The time came this past weekend and we both were trying sooo hard to find a way to see each other in Cali while in town from Brazil and we just couldn’t make it happen no matter what we tried. With positivity, we left WhatsApp voice messages that we will see each other again soon. Off to Atlanta I went for work and she was headed on her journey home to Brazil, and that was that. That is until the impossible – there I am in my hotel room and I see her IG story on the plane and as I was putting my phone down to head to bed I get a voice message from Bea that she had missed a connecting flight and was in Atlanta headed to an airport hotel. I paused, replayed the message and immediately jumped up and sent a message back that I was also there too in Atlanta. Before I know it she’s calling me and we come to find ourselves grinning in awe at 1am in an airport hotel lobby. Is this real life?! How is that possible?! What are the odds?! Well, it’s the perfect magical intersection of my mantra of “where there is a will, there is a way” and Bea’s “trust the universe”. Modern day, real magic; wizards and pixie dust not needed.

Can’t help but think how this comes into play more often in life by being more conscious. Is it and has been happening but you have just never realized it? It all happens for a reason if not for you to recognize today, but later in life. Releasing and not being in control is difficult. Hell I struggle with this quite often. I think it takes certain experiences to show you that it is ok to let go and let life unravel naturally. I find myself forcing things to happen and in the end may completely miss the whole greater meaning behind it. So I say live it up, spread the love and enjoy the ride of this beautiful thing called life 🙂

Stay tuned for my next unreal post with my brother @simonbensaidy…

#trusttheuniverse #wheretheresawilltheresaway #theimpossibleispossible #serendipity #noneedtoforceit #mindblown #surrendertothehigherpowers #mindvalley #afest

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