2019 Reflection; 2020 vision

Current song: Kygo & Whitney Houston – Higher Love

My annual year end self reflection brings me to beautiful Bahamas this year ✨ As 2019 draws to a close, I’ve found myself more disciplined to vulnerably reflect on the past year, and glean to the future with a directional path forward inclusive of key “musts” peppered in. Sometimes its course correction or adding/dropping things off the list, but it’s become more refined with each year. I gladly share my method and own question set below that has helped me frame how to tactical approach progress and be productive in the new year. ⠀

2019 grade? I give myself a B+ :)⠀

1. Being conscious of time spent.

Did I accomplish or do what I committed to do? What if you do a quick exercise on % of time spent with yourself versus % of time doing whatever (work, drinking, TV, etc.) with others? Reality is you need to make time to center yourself and there’s no shame in doing so. The key is to be first conscious and more aware of it. I’ll tell you it’s ok to be by yourself. Is it scary? Damn right it can be…at first. Then it’s normal. Hey, trust me on this, this is coming from a extreme extrovert that had to learned aspects of the introvert way.⠀⠀

2. Bet on yourself.

YOUR passion. YOUR dream. Anything and everything is yours for the taking. We are individuals first. So what do you want for yourself? Or are we living someone else’s perception or society’s dream?! Are you going to school to be a MD because you were told so? Contrary to popular belief, no need to conform, it’s ok to go against the grain and NOT follow the herd. ⠀

3. It’s not all about the Benjamins.

I know, saaaay whhhat?! I’ve found wealth in life to be the inverse of as we know it. Wealth to me is spending time and experiences with those you love and their presence alone kicks you up on an emotional high that you never want to come down from. That is something that I would never trade for anything in the world or could put a $ on. ⠀⠀

4. Just release.

We’ve all heard of “just do it” (and I’m all about go go go, do do do), but there is some beauty in releasing and not forcing things to happen. This year from the magical story with my dear friend Bea to synchronicities with my brothers Francis and Simon. Everything happens for a reason! May not know the reason today, and that’s ok it will come to you when you least expect. You get what you need, not what you want.⠀⠀

5. Be disciplined.

I sucked at taking care of myself this year 🙋🏻‍♂️ Whether it was going on 2hrs of sleep in 30hrs and needing 3 coffees to power through or having my sweet tooth get the best of me, I can improve here. I’ll always be that person who continues to push my own personal bar, but realize that I can’t let myself or health go. Reigning it back in…a bit 😉 Even though I made huge progress, for starters, I still have a closet full of clothes I need to donate. The excuse of I didn’t have time is no longer valid and I just need to make it happen.⠀⠀

6. Learn from relationships. ⠀ The people in my life are incredible humans. The shared experiences, energy, wisdom is bar none more than any MBA course could ever teach. So enter the school of jason which is meeting incredible souls across from the world and learning from them and vice versa. That’s what makes this world a beautiful place!!!⠀⠀

7. Have purpose. ⠀ Really dig into the “why” you are doing something. At the end of the day, do the shiznit you want to do and don’t do what you don’t want to do. Life is too short to be worried about pleasing everyone else and time is valuable so please don’t waste it! ⠀

8. Give gratitude.⠀ I’ll be the first to admit I never would have gotten to where I am today without the help of others; and for that I am forever grateful. Whether it was a mentor that helped in my career to a best friend who is always there thick and through thin, I’m thankful. Each relationship and connection I’ve made, irregardless of the outcome, has enlightened me for the better and has a takeaway/lesson learned. So thank you all!!! ⠀⠀

We are better together, and together we rise!! Feel free to give this a shot and/or tweak to create your own version! The nerd in me wants to also draw up some charts with projections and bar graphs, but I’ll save you all. Nevertheless, I share this because you deserve to be the best version of yourself. I’ll tell you that I sure as hell don’t know it all, but I have been through a thing or two and it’s what brought me to where I am today. ⠀

Bring on the new decade!! Cheers to you all, wishing you a blessed and fruitful new year filled with continued growth ✨ May you be propelled to acheive your desires and success!! Peace 2019 and bring on the 20s, it’s going to be a doozy…⠀⠀

#sundayfunday #begooddogoodstaytrue #taketimetoreflect #dontforgettoloveyourself #treatyourself #tranquility #newbeginnings #2020

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